The Marvel Cinematic Universe introduced the concept of multiverse in its films this year. The upcoming “ANIMAMIX 2022” exhibition at ESLITE GALLERY in August is an attempt to bring viewers an aesthetic feast of comics through the lens of the multiverse. The nine participating artists from Taiwan and Japan include Cowper WANG, Chen-Dao LEE, Abei LIU, Sangna Take, Poppy Purrs Factory, LIU Wen Hao, Jo-Kuang, Hiroyuki MATSUURA, and Hiroyuki MORI. Through their pen or brush strokes, they share their two-dimensional worlds for everyone to explore their unique take on the cosmos. These nine artists have each created their own mini-universes, and their many characters travel the multi-verse.
For viewing more work, please check on the images below.
‧Curator: Eric LAI
‧Opening: 06 Aug (Sat.)丨3-5pm
‧Date: 06 Aug – 27 Aug, 2022
‧Admission: Free entry on opening day (August 6, 2022); ticket admission from August 09 to August 27, 2022
‧Admission fees: NTD100 (online); NTD180 (at the door)
‧Ticketing: https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2207260622321027186628
‧Address: ESLITE GALLERY∣B1, No. 88, Yanchang Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110055, Taiwan (eslite spectrum Songyan Store)
‧Opening Hours: 11am-7pm, Tuesday – Saturday (closed on Sunday and Monday)