2019 年吧!(注:2018)我在杜塞尔多夫当代馆和 NRW 美术馆做个展,这是 Norbert 策划的 “Slowly coming home”。
当时的赞助者何见平就说:“ 你要画赌场咱俩就去澳门,我可以办到。” 我惊叹,当我第一次见面拥抱他时就知道他能干许多事。
2019 年吧! (註:2018)我在杜塞爾多夫當代館和 NRW 美術館做個展,這是 Norbert 策劃的 “Slowly coming home”。
當時的贊助者何見平就說:「 你要畫賭場咱倆就去澳門,我可以辦到。」我驚嘆,當我第一次見面擁抱他時就知道他能幹許多事。
"Earthly Liveliness"
April 19, 2023
For a long time now, people have always asked me about my next project or my most challenging one. I’ve always said, casinos, I want to paint in casinos.
I think it was in 2019. I did a solo exhibition, “Slow Homecoming”, at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and the NRW-Forum, curated by Norbert (Heinz-Norbert Jocks).
One of the patrons at the time, He Jianping, said to me, “If you want to paint a casino, we can always go to Macau. I can arrange it.” I was in awe. I knew that he was a capable man when I first met and hugged him.