April 8, 2024 After lunch, we headed straight to Chiayi. To go to Chiayi from Dajia, you need to cross a wide bridge. Just as the procession was getting on it, I rushed to the front, took lots of photos, and even had the honor of carrying the litter for some distance. It was very heavy; only after carrying it did I know why litter bearers all had thick shoulders. In carrying the heavy burden, they pray for blessings for all. As it was getting late, the procession entered Chiayi, where the Hsin Kang Feng Tian Temple had been waiting for four days and four nights. The procession was met with drum rolls and fireworks in unison alongside their route. Every street and alley was engulfed in smoke, through which Matsu and her devotees, female and male, made their way unhurried. The queue of worshipers waiting to kneel on the ground or crawl underneath the litter stretched...
图右:连接云林县与嘉义县的仑子桥,2024年4月8日/圖右:連接雲林縣與嘉義縣的崙子橋,2024年4月8日/Photo_Lunzi Bridge that connects Yunlin and Chiayi counties. April 8, 2024.