... several kilometers. When the procession arrived at the temple, it was midnight again. The devotees covered the distance of 190 kilometers on foot, in four days and four nights. They stopped to celebrate Matsu's birthday at the Feng Tian Temple for two days, before heading back to Dajia, traversing another 190 kilometers. Having followed Matsu for 96 hours, I've grown fonder of that litter. Although there were too many people for me to get closer, I constantly felt drawn to an intangible force that made me forget my mundane worries. Taiwan, a kind place, houses the goddess Matsu who protects the devout men and women and blesses Taiwan.
图右:嘉义新港奉天宫,2024年4月9日/圖右:嘉義新港奉天宮,2024年4月9日/Photo_Fengtian Temple. Xingang, Chiayi. April 9, 2024.