起驾前各路人马组团聚集镇澜宫前,有的是少女歌舞开道 、有的是狮舞开锣,一众官员信众随后三叩妈祖。妈祖是黑脸木雕,金帘遮面,稳座(轿)中。11点鞭炮齐鸣,礼花映红天际,人头,只能见人头攒动无法看到自己的脚,人挤人,挤出镇澜宫。
這幾天每天都是後半夜3點後睡。 5日晚11點前趕到大甲鎮,等待鎮瀾宮媽祖起駕。整個鎮上街道擠成人海,新聞說20萬人。
起駕前各路人馬組團聚集鎮瀾宮前,有的是少女歌舞開道 、有的是獅舞開鑼,一眾官員信眾隨後三叩媽祖。媽祖是黑臉木雕,金簾遮面,穩座(轎)中。 11點鞭炮齊鳴,禮花映紅天際,人頭,只能見人頭攢動無法看到自己的腳,人擠人,擠出鎮瀾宮。
April 7, 2024
These days, I didn't fall asleep until three in the morning. On the 5th, we arrived at Dajia District before 11 p.m. and waited for Matsu to take off from the Jenn Lann Temple. The streets were flooded with people, 200 thousand of them, according to the news.
Before it began, large crowds gathered in front of the Jenn Lann Temple. Young girls were singing and dancing, leading the procession; there were lion dances and gongs. After those, a group of officials and Matsu's followers kowtowed to her three times. The wooden Matsu statues were firmly seated in the litter, with their dark faces shrouded in golden cloths. At 11 o'clock, fireworks went off, painting the night sky red. When the procession came, we could see nothing but people's heads. It was impossible to even look down at our own feet, and we were carried outside of the temple by the overflow crowds.